MAP-21 Video from AASHTO
Waivers of the “Buy America” Requirement
FHWA’s Performance Year (PY) 2014 Strategic Implementation Plan
High Risk Rural Roads (HRRR) Special Rule
National Parks Service Committed to Pavement Preservation
Federal Aid Essentials for Local Public Agencies
Map-21 — “Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century”
“Changing Course to Preserve America’s Roads”
TSP2 Eligible for SP&R Funding
FHWA Guidance on Patented / Proprietary Products
MAP-21 Video from AASHTO
MAP-21 Video from AASHTOThe Federal Highway Association’s MAP-21 initiative was signed into law in 2012. What does this mean for you? This 3 minute, MAP-21 video from AASHTO discusses the Performance Management rule changes now under review. It provides an overview of the new MAP-21 rules, why they are important for State DOTs, and gives viewers a perspective on when the major rule changes will be implemented. To learn more about MAP-21 and how it affects your agency, View the Video. |
Waivers of the “Buy America” Requirement
Waivers of the “Buy America” RequirementThe USDOT has sent a letter to the US House Appropriations Committee conveying the Fourth Annual Report to Congress on Buy America Waivers. |
FHWA’s Performance Year (PY) 2014 Strategic Implementation Plan
FHWA’s Performance Year (PY) 2014 Strategic Implementation PlanThe FHWA has issued a cover memorandum describing its PY 2014 Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP) for the planning cycle from June 2013 through May 2014. |
High Risk Rural Roads (HRRR) Special Rule
High Risk Rural Roads (HRRR) Special RuleThe FHWA has issued a memorandum clarifying the special rule requiring states where rural road fatality rates have increased in the most recent 2-year period, to obligate a specific amount of funding toward HRRR safety projects in the next fiscal year. |
National Parks Service Committed to Pavement Preservation
National Parks Service Committed to Pavement PreservationThe National Parks Service (NPS) transportation program has adopted the proactive maintenance approach of pavement preservation. This strategic approach to road maintenance fits well within the NPS’ move to transportation asset management, a process of operating, maintaining, and upgrading physical assets in the most cost-effective way. |
Federal Aid Essentials for Local Public Agencies
Federal Aid Essentials for Local Public Agencies
Map-21 — “Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century”
Map-21 — “Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century”
“Changing Course to Preserve America’s Roads”
“Changing Course to Preserve America’s Roads”
TSP2 Eligible for SP&R Funding
TSP2 Eligible for SP&R Funding
FHWA Guidance on Patented / Proprietary Products
FHWA Guidance on Patented / Proprietary Products
- Policy Memorandum
- Experimental Work Plans for Proprietary Products
- Q&A Regarding Title 23 CFR 635.411