NCPP – National Center for Pavement Preservation
The National Center for Pavement Preservation (NCPP) was established by Michigan State University and the Foundation for Pavement Preservation to lead collaborative efforts among government, industry, and academia in the advancement of pavement preservation.
Founded July 11, 2003, the NCPP is the realization of a collective national vision of pavement practitioners, policymakers and industry. Its purpose is to advance and improve pavement preservation practices through education, research and outreach. The NCPP has since expanded its portfolio to include bridge preservation and heavy equipment management.
There are nearly 3.95 million miles of public roads and over 600,000 bridges in the United States, valued at more than $5.6 trillion. The NCPP provides a valuable resource to help educate others about the benefits of pavement and bridge preservation. It also enhances preservation knowledge through research and assists owner agencies to establish effective programs. These programs extend transportation asset life and improve motorist safety and satisfaction while saving public tax dollars.