NCAT Experimental Pavement – Section N-7Researchers at the National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT) at Auburn University in Alabama study failed as well as successful experimental sections on their pavement test track. The latest three-year research cycle at the track includes a special focus group of pavement sections they hope will fail. The reason: they learn as much from evaluating failed sections as they do from successful sections, according to Dr. Raymond “Buzz” Powell, NCAT assistant director and test track manager. Powell and his staff, including Jason Nelson, operate the 1.7-mile oval track that uses accelerated performance testing to simulate the effect on pavements up to 10 million equivalent single axle loads (ESALs) in each research cycle. Research at the track is also conducted by other researchers at NCAT with Dr. Randy West, NCAT director, taking overall responsibility for the research facility. |