FHWA Post-Tensioning Installation and Grouting ManualPrecast concrete pavement (PCP) technology is gaining wider acceptance in the U.S. for rapid repair and rehabilitation of concrete pavements as well as for reconstruction of heavily trafficked asphalt concrete intersections. Widespread use in the U.S. is fairly recent, with most projects in service less than about 14 years. Nonetheless, dozens of projects have been constructed, and advances continue to be made in all aspects of the technology, including panel design, fabrication, and installation. PCP technology is being used for intermittent repairs (both full-depth repairs and full panel replacement) and for continuous applications (longer-length/wider-area rehabilitation) with service life expectations of at least 20 years for repairs and at least 40 years for continuous applications, without significant future corrective treatment. The FHWA has issued the following two Tech Briefs dealing with Precast Concrete Pavements: Precast Concrete Pavement Technology Resources (.pdf) Precast Concrete Pavement Implementation by U.S. Highway Agencies (.pdf)