Updated Product Websites
FHWA Approved Public Interest Findings (PIFs) for Patented and Proprietary Products
AASHTO Product Evaluation List
SEPPP Specifications – “Best Practice” GuidelinesReport on the differences between the 5 “Top-of-the-Curve” preservation treatments. “Best Practice” guidelines for:
NCHRP Problem Statement – Rumble / Mumble StripsCenterline and shoulder rumble and mumble strips have long served as a safety treatment tool to alert motorists to realign their vehicles to the driving lane. As part of the 2018 Midwest and Southeast Pavement Preservation Research Survey, rumble strip preservation was identified a research need. The following links show treatment options in the form of a Research Needs Statement (RNS) submitted for funding to the NCHRP and the Problem Statement submission to the NCHRP. |